Who are we?
what is adhisthana?
Adhisthana is an International Buddhist Centre in Herefordshire, England and forms the heart of the global Buddhist community of Triratna. It was the last home of its founder and is where he is buried, as well as being a retreat centre, meeting space and home to two communities of Buddhists. It also houses the library of his books and an exhibition space dedicated to his memory.
What is Triratna?
Triratna, meaning ‘three jewels’, is an ecumenical Buddhist movement that draws on many Buddhist traditions and practices to present the teachings of the Buddha in a coherent form relevant to the modern world. Practitioners of Buddhism in the 21st century are uniquely placed to survey the whole of the Buddhist tradition in its various historical and cultural contexts and draw on the most spiritually vital elements to enrich and inform our practice of the Dharma. The Triratna movement (originally called the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order) was founded in 1967 by Sangharakshita, an Englishman who spent many years in India.
What are the three jewels?
These are the three jewels of the Buddha – the ideal of Englightenment, the Dharma – the teachings of the Buddha, and the Sangha – the spiritual community that are the central values around which Buddhist practice focuses.
who is sangharakshita?
Sangharakshita or Bhante (which means teacher) is the spiritual visionary who founded the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community. He was a translator between East and West, between ancient tradition and the industrialised world, enabling people to hear and understand the Buddha’s teachings in a way that is accessible and applicable to us in the 20th and 21st centuries. Learn more at sangharakshita.org.

What do we do?
A home for the community
Whilst we hope that you can find a welcoming Buddhist centre in your local town or city, Adhisthana welcomes the Triratna community from all around the world. The communities of men and women who live here seek to create an atmosphere of warmth, friendliness, and openness rooted in the wisdom and kindness of the Buddha.
retreats and meetings
This atmosphere of friendliness is also evident in the many retreats for members and friends of the Triratna Order, as well as in facilitating a place where people can come together for a range of different kinds of meetings; from groups of practising Buddhists who want to informally come together and spend a weekend studying, meditating and reflecting, to members of the community who hold international responsibilities.
a context for a full-time buddhist life
We are home to two communities of Buddhists who live in a full-time Dharmic context. We meditate, study, eat, work and play together, providing the structure and inspiration to keep our deepest values alive in our day-to-day lives. You can read more here.
We’re building up our online presence to bring Buddhist teachings and contact with the spiritual community to more people around the world, whatever their situation.
A place to connect with Bhante Sangharakshita
Adhisthana fulfills a key role at the heart of this worldwide spiritual community. It was purchased at Bhante Sangharakshita’s request – he had the foresight to recognise that the Triratna Order and Movement would need a place to come together as it grew, especially after he died. He lived here for the last five years of his life, until his death in 2018, and Adhisthana has become a spiritual home for the whole Triratna Order and wider Community.

What are our values?
Adhisthana seeks to create a home for those who want to seriously practice the Dharma within Triratna, a place that people trust, where friendship is offered freely, and where people can participate in contributing to a vibrant international spiritual community. To those who wish to follow the Buddhist path and progress spiritually, we offer the Dharma as taught by Sangharakshita.
Practically, this means holding study and meditation retreats for committed Buddhist practitioners, enabling future generations to practise together and take responsibility, and opening out to the world to offer these teachings for all those who want to hear them.