About Adhisthana

There are many facets of Adhisthana: a central aspect is the library – this is the reason that Adhisthana was bought, and it houses Sangharakshita’s Dharma legacy; another aspect is the Adhisthana residential sangha – two single-sex communities who live and work here, many holding international responsibilities; residential courses, the young people’s project and the retreat centre are all held within the mandala of Adhisthana – beautiful gardens, the shrine room, the burial mound of Urgyen Sangharakshita.

Around Adhisthana

The Adhisthana site covers 26 acres and among other things contains the gardens, the shrine room and the Urgyen House – where Sangharakshita spent his last years.

There is a vision for each building, each part of the gardens. Step into the mandala and immerse yourself in this place of blessings.

The Library

The Sangharakshita Library is at the heart of the project of Adhisthana. It is Bhante’s collection of books, his Dharma legacy, and the place where future generations can come and study the teachings and works he has handed down to us.

The library also hosts exhibitions, and has an impressive Dharma lending-library, for people to peruse while here.

The Teaching Community

Through his writing, talks, lectures and seminars, Bhante laid out an expansive vision of the Dharma. He approached it from various perspectives, in the light of different traditions, and in so doing gave us something remarkable in its breadth, depth, clarity, and accessibility. He was aware he was writing and teaching not just for his immediate audience, but for coming generations and the future of the Dharma in the world.

The task of the Teaching Community is to take care that this vision does not get limited or diminished but is passed on in its fullness to future generations, and can continue to unfold through the programme of Adhisthana’s retreats.

Residential Courses

The residential courses that Adhisthana run are an integral and appreciated part of life here.

Our DharmaLife course for Young People and International Order courses bring together people from around the globe to train and practice together, developing and deepening friendships. These courses provide intensive dharma training to benefit their home or future situations.

Young People Project

From its foundation, Adhisthana has had a strong emphasis on providing full-time contexts for young Dharma practitioners to live a full Dharma life.

As part of the new emphasis for Adhisthana, we are stepping up our commitment to supporting young people by broadening training opportunities. Adhisthana has been the home of young Buddhist events since 2013 and we aim to offer a spiritual home to all young Buddhists in Triratna.

English (UK)