Residential Courses

Adhisthana has hosted many residential courses since it began. These courses hope to train new generations in Bhante’s elucidation of the Dharma by enabling a substantial number, especially of young people, to become deeply familiar with his words and imbibe the spirit they express. The experience is often incredibly enjoyable for both those who come on them and the Adhisthana community – they have often been described as one of the best things that happen here.

The DharmaLife Course for Young People

We have had the delight of hosting DharmaLife courses since 2013. These are residential courses for several months at Adhisthana providing a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism. They are aimed at mitras and those training for ordination, usually under the age of 35. While the courses are for women or men we have had several non-binary people do the course in the past – get in touch if you’re interested and we can talk about which course might be the best fit.

Half of the people on all the previous courses have come from outside the UK. This internationality is an important aspect of the course. It creates connections across our community and helps take the benefit of the course out into the world.

Coming on a course here is an opportunity to live an intensive Dharma life: to live, practise, study and work together with others on the course community, while held within the wider context of Adhisthana. The programme is designed to deepen Dharma knowledge and practice. The courses are overseen by a team of Order members, who draw on the experience and skills of others within the Order to lead particular weeks.

Community living is an important part of the course and participants share rooms while here, as well as having a community night, and a Going For Refuge group if they are training for Ordination. Those on DharmaLife courses also participate in the life of the wider Adhisthana community, meditating and eating together, as well as meeting up with individuals.

If you would like to know more about upcoming DharmaLife courses, or to request an application form, send us an email.

International Course for Order Members

Adhisthana has run a couple of one-month international courses for Order Members from across the world who have taken on significant responsibilities within Triratna. The aim is to provide training and support, as well as forge deep friendships and connections between the international sangha.

The courses are run by a team of Order members who live and work at Adhisthana and hold institutional responsibilities such as members of the Dharma Team and the International Order Convenors.

While there is commonality between Triratna globally, there is also difference, so enabling people to come together to get to know each other more deeply, creating Kalyāṇa-mittatā, is a significant aspect of the course. Studying the four lineages, learning how to lead study, creating a culture of feedback, and exploring how to contribute more to our international community.

English (UK)