A Taste of Freedom

‘The three fetters – of habit, of superficiality, and of vagueness – are broken by means of Insight, that is, by means of knowledge and vision of things as they really are… by our becoming creative, committed, and clear. When Insight arises, one enters the Stream, the Stream that leads directly to Enlightenment… one becomes a true individual. And as a true individual, one can experience vimutti [… a pali term which translates as ‘release’, ’emancipation’, or `freedom’…], one can enjoy the taste of freedom.’

Urgyen Sangharakshita, The Taste of Freedom, 1979

These talks were given on an online Sub30s retreat from Adhisthana, in March 2021. Each talk covers one of the first three fetters.

Prajnahridaya: Habit

Kusaladevi: superficiality

Aryadasa: Vagueness

Upcoming Young People Events

Sub30 Weekend | How to Live before you Die

Sub30 Weekend | How to Live before you Die

Led by Prajnahridaya + Caroline
22 – 24 Mar | 2 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Seminar | The Alchemist’s Bowl

Sub30 Seminar | The Alchemist’s Bowl

Led by Sona
24 – 27 Mar | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Meditation Intensive

Sub30 Meditation Intensive

Led by Vijayamala + Jnanavaca
9 – 18 Aug | 9 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Dharma Life Course for Young Men

Dharma Life Course for Young Men

Ratnaghosha | A 16 week residential course
27 August – 17 December 2024
Residential | Open to those under 35
Two last-minute places available
Sub30 Weekend | Spontaneous Verses of Truth

Sub30 Weekend | Spontaneous Verses of Truth

Led by Candradipa + Jayadhi
29 Nov – 1 Dec | 2 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Seminar | An Existential Encounter: the Dhaniya Sutta

Sub30 Seminar | An Existential Encounter: the Dhaniya Sutta

Led by Saddhanandi + Akasajoti
1 – 4 Dec | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
English (UK)