Sub30 Seminar | An Existential Encounter: the Dhaniya Sutta

1 – 4 dec | led by Saddhanandi + Akasajoti

The Dhaniya Sutta is a very early text within the Buddhist canon, from a time before the teachings began to be systematically formulated. As such, it is direct, essential, and existential. It is a description of an encounter between the enlightened individual and the unenlightened individual. The Buddha meets Dhaniya, a land-owner who has constructed a sense of security in his life which is challenged as the sutta unfolds and is ultimately exposed as unreliable. As the two characters engage in a direct and vigorous communication, we begin to see the effect of this confrontation and the transformation that it brings about. The whole text is very simple and gradually carries us into the profound heart of Buddhist wisdom teachings; addressing the nature of real confidence, reliance and security within the precariousness and fragility of our human life. 

It is not a question of some theoretical principle that you must follow in order to be a good Buddhist. It is about transforming your life in a way that does justice to what you are and what you wish to be.

Sangharakshita, Living Wisely

Saddhanandi will lead us in study of verses from the Dhaniya Sutta itself as well as material from an early seminar led by Sangharakshita to draw out themes still relevant today: contrasting the nature of bondage and the nature of liberation, and showing us how we can live a life of real freedom. Through discussion, meditation and ritual we’ll endeavour to activate these truth teachings on deeper levels within ourselves. 

Turn the November Sub30 weekend into a 6-day retreat by staying on to study a foundational Buddhist text with experienced study leaders, in a seminar-style setting of 6-12 people. Although we can read Buddhist books and watch dharma teachers on YouTube, things will often open up much more fully, deeply and clearly when studying the dharma alongside others. Come along to awaken your longing for the truth.

Reception is from 4pm on the day of arrival, with the retreat beginning with supper at 6pm.

While you’re here you will be participating in communal life. This includes meditating with everyone on site in the main shrine room in the morning, taking part in daily tasks and at the end of your retreat you will help us to prepare the retreat centre for the next group to join us.

With this in mind, the retreat will finish after the clear-up, so if travelling on public transport, please book a train after 3pm.

The deposit for all our events is non-refundable and non-transferable under all circumstances. For this event, the deposit is £50.

Please contact the office to find out availability for a single room.

For: Mitras

Start date: 1st Dec 2024
End date: 4th Dec 2024
Event Type: Residential

Price: Standard £110  |  Concession £95  |  Financial Assistance £75
Please note that the payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £50.

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

English (UK)