Friends and Mitras Events

Adventures in Emptiness | Scholars’ Retreat

Adventures in Emptiness | Scholars’ Retreat

Led by Dhivan and Śraddhāpa
2 – 9 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members & Mitras
Fully Booked
Summer Sanghas Retreat | Living with Kindness

Summer Sanghas Retreat | Living with Kindness

Led by Saddhanandi, Manjuvajra + Aryajaya
30 Aug – 6 Sept | 7 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Autumn Sanghas Retreat | The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment

Autumn Sanghas Retreat | The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment

Led by Saddhaloka, Parami, Nagabodhi, Ratnaprabha, Prajnanita + team
15 – 22 Nov | 7 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation

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