Friends and Mitras Events

Autumn Sanghas Retreat | The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment

Autumn Sanghas Retreat | The Drama of Cosmic Enlightenment

Led by Saddhaloka, Parami, Nagabodhi, Ratnaprabha, Prajnanita + team
15 – 22 Nov | 7 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Filling up quickly
Sub35 Changemakers | The Wheel and the Diamond

Sub35 Changemakers | The Wheel and the Diamond

Led by Satyanita, Prakashamitra + Young Order
16 – 19 Jan | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
The Way to Wisdom | Spring Sanghas Retreat

The Way to Wisdom | Spring Sanghas Retreat

Led by Saddhanandi + Paraga
17 – 21 Apr | 4 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Building the Buddha Land | Work Retreat

Building the Buddha Land | Work Retreat

Led by Prajnanita + Prakashamitra
11 – 16 May | 5 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Is Buddhism Scientific and Rational? | Philosophy Symposium

Is Buddhism Scientific and Rational? | Philosophy Symposium

Led by Abhayadhara, Dhivan + Ketumati
23 – 26 May | 3 nights
Residential | Order members and Mitras
Orpheus in the Buddha Realm | Explorations

Orpheus in the Buddha Realm | Explorations

Led by Vidyaruchi, Akasadeva, Manidhara + Ratnadhya
20 – 27 June | 7 nights
Residential | Open to all
Buddhist Bootcamp

Buddhist Bootcamp

Led by Vidyamala, Sanghadeva, Prajnanita + Luke Doherty
18 – 27 July | 9 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Sanskrit and Pali Summer School

Sanskrit and Pali Summer School

Led by Sraddhapa
begins 18 July | various lengths
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
The Tantric Guru | Team-Based Right Livelihood Weekend

The Tantric Guru | Team-Based Right Livelihood Weekend

Led by participating TBRL teams
25 – 27 July | 2 nights
Residential | Participating teams
DLC Alumni Weekend

DLC Alumni Weekend

Led by Prajnahridaya + Mokshadhi
25 – 27 July | 2 nights
Residential | DLC Alumni
International Pilgrims’ Week

International Pilgrims’ Week

Led by Khemabandhu, Lokeshvara, Vidyamala, Ksantichara + Sona
27 Jul – 1 Aug | 5 nights
Residential | Order Members, Mitras, & Friends
Co-working Week

Co-working Week

27 Jul – 1 Aug | 5 nights
Residential | Order Members, Mitras, & Friends
Buddhist Modernism | Scholars’ Retreat

Buddhist Modernism | Scholars’ Retreat

Led by Dhivan and Śraddhāpa
1 – 8 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members & Mitras
Filling up quickly
A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

Led by Prakasha, Satyalila, Ratnaprabha, Paramartha + Amitajyoti
8 – 15 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members + GFR Mitras
International Summer Sanghas Retreat | Invoking Padmasambhava: The Precious Master | Bhante 100

International Summer Sanghas Retreat | Invoking Padmasambhava: The Precious Master | Bhante 100

Led by Subhuti + team
24 – 31 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation
Limited indoor places
Facing Death, Embracing Life | Autumn Sanghas Retreat

Facing Death, Embracing Life | Autumn Sanghas Retreat

Led by Prakasha, Vidyamala, Prajnanita, Khemabandhu + team
24 – 31 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | All familiar with Triratna meditation

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