Ratnaghosha is a member of the residential Adhisthana Dharma Team since Summer 2021. He delights in Dharma study and has a predilection for following esoteric and revealing threads of enquiry and references found in Bhante’s writings and seminars. He continues to delve deeply into the teachings and this year will share his enquiry with 10 lucky Order Members on a Metta Seminar which is booking up quickly.

I’m delighted to announce that I’ve recently self-published a book on the ten precepts, which is based on the material from a series of three retreats I led here at Adhisthana. These retreats were for Order members and were an encouragement for all of us to take our practice of the precepts further, especially by recognising the skillfulness we have already established and building on that, rather than always focusing on our backsliding. The book is also suitable for those who have requested ordination and will augment your studies of the Ten Pillars of Buddhism.
The book will be available here at Adhisthana and at Padmaloka and, hopefully, at Tiratanaloka (not yet confirmed) and it sells for £5. I hope you’ll read it and find it helpful.