The Residential Communities

We have two residential communities at Adhisthana, a women’s community and a men’s community.


International Order Convenor

Prior to moving to Adhisthana, Aryajaya was a senior manager in Windhorse:Evolution Trading for 10 years after emigrating to the UK from Australia. She has travelled extensively as part of her role as International Order Convenor and is a kalyanamitra and private preceptor.


Dharma Team

Ordained for almost 50 years, Dhammarati help found Triratna’s International Council, was Chair of the College of Public Preceptors and the London Buddhist Centre. His designs can be found on books and publicity throughout Triratna. He’s also involved in men’s Ordination training in North America.


Chair, Dharma Team

Originally from Australia, Khemabandhu met the Dharma while working as a computer scientist in London and was nomadic before coming to Adhisthana to do the DharmaLife course in 2017. He then stayed to live and work here, becoming Manager of the Operations Team and then Chair of Adhisthana in 2021.


Dharma Team

Born in Ireland, Ratnaghosha became a Buddhist after an encounter with a Sri Lankan monk in Berlin. He worked for Windhorse Trading for several years, and was Chair of the London and later Cambridge Buddhist Centres. He moved to Adhisthana in 2021 to join the Dharma Team.



Prajnanita originates from Czechia and worked as a teacher in London before joining the West London Buddhist centre covering a range of roles. She has brought her skills to Adhisthana and to the DharmaLife course, to finance and the operations team more broadly.


Publicity and Programme

After becoming a mitra in Sheffield while at university, Maitriyogini then lived in a community in Oxford before doing the DharmaLife course in 2019. Initially in the Front of House role, she is now covering Adhisthana’s publicity and communications.


IT and Web Development

Vilasamuni was ordained in 2021 on the same retreat as Khemabandhu. He brings his considerable coding experience (and culinary skills) to Adhisthana. He has moved from Oxford where he previously lived in a community with Maitriyogini, and is engaged with developing the Adhisthana website and internet network.



Lalitanaga moved to Adhisthana in 2023 from Sweden. He did the DharmaLife course in 2017 and has maintained a strong friendship with Khemabandhu since then, with whom he shared a room on the course. He previously worked as a designer, although he is now supporting Yashodeva with maintenance. He was ordained with Prakashamitra.


Dharma Team

Trained as an artist, Saddhanandi initially was involved in the Glasgow Sangha. She was at Taraloka for 20 years, and was Chair there for the last 13 of those years, before moving to Adhisthana and becoming Chair. In late 2021 she handed on this responsibility to Khemabandhu, butcontinues to live and work here as a member of the Adhisthana Teaching Community.


Chair of The College of Public Preceptors

Initially heavily involved in the renovations of Adhisthana, Ratnadharini returns as head of the College. She was part of several London-based Buddhist businesses before joining the team setting up and running Tiratanaloka, the ordination training centre for women.



After initially working for the BBC making documentaries, and living in Australia running her own business for a few years, Kerianna retrained in Market Gardening shortly before moving to Adhisthana. She has previously been involved in several Triratna sanghas, including the North London Buddhist Centre.


Video and Front of House

Growing up in Bradford, Max also completed the 2022 DharmaLife course. He previously worked as a Video Editor and is bringing his skills and capacity to the communications at Adhisthana, as well as supporting the team more generally around tech and admin.


Dharma Team

Instrumental in establishing the Sydney Buddhist Centre, Shubhavyuha returned to the UK as the Assistant to the International Council. She joined the Adhisthana Operations Team in 2019, and became the manager of the Operations team in 2021. She is now a part of the Dharma Team and helps to design the Teaching Community programme of events.



Previously having worked for various Triratna organisations such as the Karuna Trust and Clear Vision, Bodhiketu also spent six years in Guhyaloka, the men’s ordination retreat centre in Spain. He has been managing Adhisthana’s finances since he joined the team.



Maria lived in Colchester, and at one time in a community with Jayadhi, before joining her close friend on the team here as our very capable housekeeper. She has experience in social care and is also a dedicated artist and meditator.


Front of House

Olivia started going to the Manchester Centre after the pandemic. She quickly became a Mitra and asked for ordination. Before coming to Adhisthana she was a facilitator of the Young Buddhist group in Manchester and travelled around India on a Young Buddhist’s pilgrimage with Maitriyogini in early 2023.



Initially living at the Croydon Buddhist Centre, Sanghadeva worked in the centres restauraunt – Hockney’s, before going to live at Madhymaloka; Sangharakshita’s penultimate home, and centre for the College of Public Preceptors. He has transformed the landscape and grounds of Adhisthana through his ceaseless ability to work.



Prakashamitra got involved with Triratna through the Young Buddhists project, and threw himself into the Dharma life at his local centre, Bristol, where he facilitated the Young Buddhists group. He was ordained at Guhyaloka in 2023 and manages the operations team.


Kitchen Manager

Harry grew up in Bristol before moving to London to work as a Radiographer. He was going to the London Buddhist Centre before coming on retreat to Adhisthana and deciding to join the team as the main cook.



Originally from Germany, Annika worked in fashion before moving to London where she started going to the London Buddhist Centre, working in Mandala Cafe and living in one of the Women’s Communities. She participated in the DharmaLife course in 2024 and is now bringing her culinary flair to the Adhisthana kitchen.



After becoming chair at the Brighton Centre in his twenties, Yashodeva spent many years at Guhyaloka, the men’s ordination training centre in Spain, before returning the UK to help with the initial renovations of the Adhisthana site. He is a Public Preceptor and works with the Spanish-speaking sangha, while at the same time maintaining the Adhisthana buildings.


Dharma Team

Having stepped down as Chair of the College in 2019, Saddhaloka is now part of the Adhisthana Dharma Team and leads and supports several retreats here each year. He has strong links with Eastern Europe, and recently has been taking other order members over with him on his travels to these countries to help lead retreats.

English (UK)