Combined UK + Ireland Area Order Weekend

Combined UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend 17th-20th August, Adhisthana
“A rich and many-splendored thing”
- valuing the contribution of every order member

“Avalokitesvara has a thousand hands, and each of the thousand hands holds a different object. Similarly, Order members of particular temperaments have different talents, aptitudes, and capacities, and in making their respective contributions to the life and work of the Order they should allow – you should allow – those talents, aptitudes, and capacities full scope. The Order should be a rich and many-splendored thing, with all kinds of facets. It doesn’t have to be just a lotus-lake, or even a series of lotus-lakes. It can also be a rose garden, or a cabbage patch, as you prefer.” (Sangharakshita, My relation to the Order, 1990)

There are three elements to the theme:
1. Extending outwards
2. Going deeper
3. Learning from the past

1. Extending outwards:
The world is suffering. Order members respond to this is so many different ways. Come and tell the weekend what your way is. We imagine a series of presentations, workshops, displays, images where we tell each other how our values inform and connect how we go out into the world.

It might be education, it might be healthcare, it might be Dharma classes, it might be retreats, it might be ethics, it might be art, it might be mindfulness training, it might be counselling, come and tell us what you do. It could in the form of a presentation about what you do, or it might be offering a workshop doing what you do. So we can arrange spaces please contact Vimalamati ( if you want to do something - and don’t be shy!

It doesn’t have to be particularly special, though it might be.
It doesn’t have to be big, though it might be.
It doesn’t have to be mainstream, though it might be.
It doesn’t have to be fringe, though it might be.
It doesn’t have to be polished, though it might be.

2. Going deeper
At the heart of life in the Order is a commitment to dharma practice that leads to liberation for ourselves and all beings.

The Sikkha project works to support and share depth and strength in our dharma training and practice. It is reviewing how we practice and teach all aspects of the Dharma life. One of the tools being developed as part of this project is a ‘practice lotus’, a simple and effective process for helping reflective conversations. Although this is still in a pilot phase, the authors have kindly agreed to offer it to Order Members on the weekend.

3. Learning from the past:
There will be some sessions that are aimed at learning from past mistakes, a reporting back from the Adhisthana kula and some facilitated discussion framed around the following two questions:
"Of all that we care about, what elements are essential and must be preserved into the future, so that we don’t lose precious values, core competencies, and who we are? and
"Of all that we care about, what needs changing in our culture and institutions so that we can continue responding to ‘the cries of the world’?”

How you can help

If it is possible please bring your meditation gear, remembering the main events will be in the marquee.

Like all events in our community this is a collective project and dependent on our many acts of generosity to one another. When you arrive the Adhisthana team will allocate onsite tasks to assist the smooth running of the weekend.
It would be very helpful to fill some jobs in advance. You can volunteer for one of following tasks?
We have a very experienced organiser and need some more people to assist them across the weekend.
First aiders
We also need trained First aiders with current certification to be part of a rota for the weekend.
Volunteers to operate the sound desk as part of a rota - training will be given; only very light techiness needed.

To volunteer please contact

With Metta
Parami & Lokeshvara
International Order Convenors

We have limited indoor accommodation so to enable as many of us as possible to attend please choose to camp for a reduced rate in our beautiful field if you are able to.

To help us cater for such large numbers, please state your arrival and departure times clearly if you will be arriving late or leaving early; and choose one of three options for meals: Standard/Gluten Free/Simple - the simple meal will be steamed vegetables, grain and protein to cover all dietary restrictions, on a basis of medical need only.

[link url=]To book a camping place - click here[/link]

The indoor accommodation will be a mixture of twin rooms and larger rooms with just a few single rooms available for those with medical need, or limited mobility.

[link url=]To book indoor accommodation - click here[/link]

For: Order Members

Start date: 17th Aug 2017
End date: 20th Aug 2017
Event Type: Residential

No deposit

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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English (UK)