Teaching Community Events

The Adhisthana Teaching Community is a group of Order Members who’ve been involved in teaching at Adhisthana over the last few years, many of whom studied with Sangharakshita. Through a deeper engagement with each other and with Sangharakshita’s elucidation of the Dharma, the Teaching Community will explore Bhante’s teaching in a way that is faithful to its essential elements, while supporting a creative evolution of it in response to new needs and circumstances.

Become a member and save when attending Teaching Community retreats!

The Illusory Elephant | Seminar

The Illusory Elephant | Seminar

Led by Dhivan + Dharmamayi
7 – 14 Feb | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Waiting List
43 years ago/Was the Buddha a Bhikkhu? | Dharmacharini Seminar

43 years ago/Was the Buddha a Bhikkhu? | Dharmacharini Seminar

Led by Saddhanandi
16 – 20 Feb | 4 nights
Residential | Dharmacharinis
Living in the Greater Mandala | Immersion Retreat

Living in the Greater Mandala | Immersion Retreat

Led by Vessantara
4 – 13 Apr | 9 nights
Dual | Order Members
Very few indoor places left
Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War | Seminar

Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War | Seminar

Led by Parami + team
25 Apr – 2 May | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Milarepa: Rechungpa’s Journey to Weu | Seminar Retreat

Milarepa: Rechungpa’s Journey to Weu | Seminar Retreat

Led by Maitreyi + Paramartha
30 May – 6 Jun | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Orpheus in the Buddha Realm: a Retreat for Classical Musicians | Explorations

Orpheus in the Buddha Realm: a Retreat for Classical Musicians | Explorations

Led by Vidyaruchi, Akasadeva, Manidhara + Ratnadhya
20 – 27 June | 7 nights
Residential | Open to all
The Three Jewels | Immersion Retreat

The Three Jewels | Immersion Retreat

Led by Dhammarati + Saddhanandi
27 June – 4 July | 7 nights
Dual | Order Members
A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

Led by Prakasha, Satyalila, Ratnaprabha, Paramartha + Amitajyoti
8 – 15 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members + GFR Mitras
Ratnagunasamcayagatha | Seminar Retreat

Ratnagunasamcayagatha | Seminar Retreat

Led by Mahamati + Prajnanita
12 – 19 Sept | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Amitabha Sadhana Retreat

Amitabha Sadhana Retreat

Led by Paramartha, Pramudita, Punyamala + Vidyamala
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana Retreat

Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana Retreat

Led by Mahamati + Akasasuri
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Padmasambhava Sadhana Retreat

Padmasambhava Sadhana Retreat

Led by Sona + Khemabandhu
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Limited places
Awakening the Imaginal Faculty | Seminar Retreat

Awakening the Imaginal Faculty | Seminar Retreat

Led by Nagapriya + Saddhanandi
17 – 24 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Padmasambhava’s Advice | Immersion Retreat

Padmasambhava’s Advice | Immersion Retreat

Led by Viveka, Parami + Dhammarati
14 – 21 Nov | 7 nights
Dual | Order Members
Science and Buddhist Practice | Explorations

Science and Buddhist Practice | Explorations

Led by Ratnaprabha, Saccacitta, Achara, Viryanaga + Suvajra
21 – 27 Nov | 6 nights
Residential | Order Members
Crossing the Stream | Dharmacharini Seminar Retreat

Crossing the Stream | Dharmacharini Seminar Retreat

Led by Saddhanandi
7 – 12 Dec | 5 nights
Residential | Dharmacharinis
English (UK)