Triratna International Gathering: Alchemy of the Dharma

# If you want to book last minute, please go to reception as we cannot process any more online bookings.
There might be room spaces if there are last minute cancellations, but otherwise it will be for camping or staying off-site. At reception, they will instruct you and you can pay in the office each morning from 9:30-10:00.#

Triratna Buddhist Centres from across Europe, Adhisthana and Buddhafield are joining forces for the sixth Triratna International Gathering. Part festival, part retreat, this family-friendly event at Adhisthana will bring together 500 people expressing something of our depth, breadth and diversity.

Alchemy is the magical art of turning base materials into gold, a potent metaphor for what we are trying to do in our Dharma lives. How do we transform the ‘base material’ of ourselves, our spiritual community, and the wider society into ‘gold’, into ‘personal’ riches, shared riches and the sustaining riches of engaged, loving wisdom?

Full details of the programme are available at here is a snippet:

* excellent Dharma talks exploring the theme from Ratnaguna, Sanghamani and Prasadacarin
* music, artistic endeavours, philosophical explorations
* study, discussion, hanging out, meditation, puja
* Buddhafield’s structures for a variety of events, including supervised children's activities
* weather! hopefully pleasant as a mostly camping event, but every day is a fine day!

Such a large gathering of people from all over the Triratna world, in a beautiful and rural environment, aims to inspire, uplift and facilitate connection across the wider Triratna community. It is open to all, newcomers to order members, and people of all ages — including children. Everyone is welcome!

[link url=]Click here for latest updates and full programme information[/link]

[link url=]Here’s a video from footage shot 2 years ago[/link]

Please make a booking for each individual person coming on this event. There are booking links below for Non-UK based adults, UK based adults, children from either region, and day visitors from any region. If you are interested in travelling with and block-booking with your local sangha or centre, then speak with them and they will get in contact with us.

Non-UK (overseas) booking for adults:
[link url=]To book for an adult based overseas - click here[/link]

UK based bookings for adults:
[link url=]To book for an adult based in the UK - click here[/link]

Children's booking 3-18 years old (all locations):
[link url=]To book for a child - click here[/link]

Day visitor booking (no accommodation):
[link url=]To book as a day visitor - click here[/link]

For: all levels of experience

Start date: 22nd Aug 2019
End date: 26th Aug 2019
Event Type: Residential

No deposit

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

This event is nearly full. Please contact us to confirm that a place is available before trying to book.

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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English (UK)