Online | Satipatthana: Mindfulness as a Direct Path of Awakening

Led by Vidyamala, Dhammarati, Sona, Hridayagita

There will be 5 sessions per day:
1) Meditation
2) Teaching
3) Tai Chi
4) Teaching + Groups
5) Groups

The timings of these sessions are:
1) 23.00 PST | 0.00 EDT | 07.00 GMT | 08.00 CEST | 16.00 AEST | 18.00 NZST
2) 02.30 PST | 05.30 EDT | 10.30 GMT | 11.30 CEST | 19.30 AEST | 21.30 NZST
3) 07.15 PST | 10.15 EDT | 15.15 GMT | 16.15 CEST | 0.15 AEST | 02.15 NZST
4) 08.00 PST | 11.00 EDT | 16.00 GMT | 17.00 CEST | 01.00 AEST | 03.00 NZST
5) 11.30 PST | 14.30 EDT | 19.30 GMT | 20.30 CEST | 04.30 AEST | 06.30 NZST

For: Order Members

Start date: 6th Aug 2021
End date: 12th Aug 2021
Event Type: Online

Non-refundable deposit: £50 (included in prices above)

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Bookings are closed for this Event.

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English (UK)