30 Aug – 6 sept | led by saddhanandi, Jvalamalini, manjuvajra + ratnaghosha
The natural tendency of the mind is to set limits and settle down, but positive emotion goes against this tendency.
We have all been taught the Metta Bhavana, and it is tempting to imagine we know what we will get with a retreat on kindness. But do we consistently act to nurture the seeds of metta in our hearts and minds? It is possible to live our everyday lives in a way that aligns them with one of the most powerful qualities a human can possess, and it starts by facing our obstacles to kindness.
With practical exploration of the theme through meditation, talks and group discussion, this retreat will draw together Sangharakshita’s teachings on metta to equip those attending to return to their sanghas with greater confidence and connection with their practice and others. If you would like your Sangha to be included, contact your Chair and get in touch, otherwise just book on (under the ‘Open’ option if your Sangha isn’t listed)!

Living with kindness
Living with Kindness is a pithy commentary on the Buddha’s teaching of metta in the Karaniya Metta Sutta. In it, Sangharakshita shows us how to cultivate many of the facets of kindness in ordinary, everyday life.