Since Adhisthana closed, we have been cancelling retreats and refunding those booked on a rolling basis. When contacting people we have also been inviting them to donate their deposit (or more), to be distributed to those Triratna centres and organisations that will need additional help with funding during these uncertain times.
There has been a massive outpouring of generosity from people, and you can see some of the team talking about this in more detail in one of our earlier blog post ‘Lockdown in Adhisthana‘ and on YouTube.
We recently donated to the Buddhist Centre online to enable them to keep doing their vital work. Saddhanandi’s letter to the team is below.
To all of you at The Buddhist Centre On-line, please accept this gift of £1,000 from Adhisthana. It’s just a small token of our appreciation of all that your team is doing right now in these extraordinary times. You’ve managed to respond very quickly to the Covid19 situation, creating online resources for the Triratna community and whoever else may be looking for a sense of meaning and support during this phase. You’ve also given our worldwide community a chance to meet collectively: watching your podcasts etc I have certainly felt I was participating in something much larger than just my personal lockdown space, so, thank you. I’m also aware that it takes a lot of time to create these connections and resources and I feel very appreciative of the effort and time-pressure it is demanding of you all.
Here at Adhisthana, there are thirteen of us in ‘lockdown’ and we’re doing what we can to use this time effectively. We anticipate a loss of income of at least 75% this year so most of our reserves will be depleted, but against that backdrop we really wanted to give our support to all the work of the team at The Buddhist Centre Online – doing what’s needed in a way that the Team at Adhisthana is not able to do.
With metta