Adhisthana Order Membership

2025 Annual membership

We are excited to announce a new opportunity for Order members to deepen their practice at Adhisthana. For a one-time fee of £400 and by paying just the deposit for each event, you can come on up to 17 of our Teaching Community retreats throughout 2025.

As a member, you can attend as many Teaching Community events as you would like during the 2025 calendar year. Participate in Immersion, Seminar, Sadhana, or an Explorations retreats. All the events available under membership are below.

Please note that Teaching Community events do not include Order weekends, combined sangha retreats, or other events open to mitras.

The standard price for a week-long Teaching Community retreat in 2025 is £330, so by the time you’ve attended two week-long retreats here, you’ve already made membership worth your while! Up to 17 retreats to choose from.

teaching community events

Through a deeper engagement with each other and with Sangharakshita’s elucidation of the Dharma, the Teaching Community is exploring Bhante’s teaching in a way that is faithful to its essential elements while supporting a creative evolution in response to new needs and circumstances – a dynamic continuity. Our retreats aim to communicate the distinctive spirit and character of Sangharakshita’s teaching and to pass it on, so we can connect with the mind of the man, and with the adhisthana that flows through him.

Living in the Greater Mandala | Immersion Retreat

Living in the Greater Mandala | Immersion Retreat

Led by Vessantara
4 – 13 Apr | 9 nights
Dual | Order Members
Very few indoor places left
Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War | Seminar

Buddhism, World Peace and Nuclear War | Seminar

Led by Parami + team
25 Apr – 2 May | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Milarepa: Rechungpa’s Journey to Weu | Seminar Retreat

Milarepa: Rechungpa’s Journey to Weu | Seminar Retreat

Led by Maitreyi + Paramartha
30 May – 6 Jun | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Few places left
Orpheus in the Buddha Realm: a Retreat for Classical Musicians | Explorations

Orpheus in the Buddha Realm: a Retreat for Classical Musicians | Explorations

Led by Vidyaruchi, Akasadeva, Manidhara + Ratnadhya
20 – 27 June | 7 nights
Residential | Open to all
The Three Jewels | Immersion Retreat

The Three Jewels | Immersion Retreat

Led by Dhammarati + Saddhanandi
27 June – 4 July | 7 nights
Dual | Order Members
A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

A Heaven in a Wild Flower: Blake, Bhante, and Nature | Explorations

Led by Prakasha, Satyalila, Ratnaprabha, Paramartha + Amitajyoti
8 – 15 Aug | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members + GFR Mitras
Filling up quickly
Ratnagunasamcayagatha | Seminar Retreat

Ratnagunasamcayagatha | Seminar Retreat

Led by Mahamati + Prajnanita
12 – 19 Sept | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Amitabha Sadhana Retreat

Amitabha Sadhana Retreat

Led by Paramartha, Pramudita, Punyamala + Vidyamala
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana Retreat

Manjughosha Stuti Sadhana Retreat

Led by Mahamati + Akasasuri
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Padmasambhava Sadhana Retreat

Padmasambhava Sadhana Retreat

Led by Sona + Khemabandhu
26 Sept – 3 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Limited places
Awakening the Imaginal Faculty | Seminar Retreat

Awakening the Imaginal Faculty | Seminar Retreat

Led by Nagapriya + Saddhanandi
17 – 24 Oct | 7 nights
Residential | Order Members
Padmasambhava’s Advice | Immersion Retreat

Padmasambhava’s Advice | Immersion Retreat

Led by Viveka, Parami + Dhammarati
14 – 21 Nov | 7 nights
Dual | Order Members
Science and Buddhist Practice | Explorations

Science and Buddhist Practice | Explorations

Led by Ratnaprabha, Saccacitta, Achara, Viryanaga + Suvajra
21 – 27 Nov | 6 nights
Residential | Order Members
Crossing the Stream | Dharmacharini Seminar Retreat

Crossing the Stream | Dharmacharini Seminar Retreat

Led by Saddhanandi
7 – 12 Dec | 5 nights
Residential | Dharmacharinis
Few places left

English (UK)