Adhisthana Dharma-Life Training Course for Men

The course aims to give you a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism and you will have the opportunity to live an intense and full-time Dharma life for 5 months. It will be fully residential, and you will be living in a designated community space at Adhisthana. Community living is an important part of the course and you will be sharing a room whilst you are here. As well as a series of retreats, and intensive study of the Dharma, the course will include some skills training, such as debating and giving talks, as well as an ongoing exploration of the arts. You will also participate in the life of the Adhisthana community, meditating with them on a daily basis and worshipping together. There will also be a daily work period to help with the maintenance and development of Adhisthana as well as to give you a taste of work as a spiritual practice.

The course is primarily aimed at mitras and men who have asked for ordination under the age of 35 but we are willing to consider applications from older men who are looking to deepen their involvement with Triratna. The cost of the course is £3000 and we can offer some bursaries where needed. If you are unable to fund the course yourself, we recommend doing some fundraising in your local Sangha.

The deadline for applications is 15th September 2017 and you will be informed whether we can offer you a place or not by 30th September 2017. For an application form, please contact Saccanama at

For: Mitras - Men

Start date: 4th Mar 2018
End date: 3rd Aug 2018
Event Type: Residential

No deposit

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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English (UK)