Men's Area Order Weekend

Longing for the Further Shore - The Vertical Dimension in Spiritual Life

Following on from the exploration of the private and public ordinations at our last Area Order weekend in November, we will look at the importance of the vertical dimension in our spiritual life and practice.
Lokeshvara will talk about the need for myth and explore the archetype of the monarch and Saccanama will talk about the importance of faith.
The weekend is being hosted by the Adhisthana men’s chapters and we look forward to seeing many of you here.

Programme -

6.00 p.m. Supper
8.00 Intro to the weekend and dedication ceremony

7.00 a.m Meditation
8.00 a.m meditation
8.45 Breakfast
10.15 Talk by Lokeshvara
11.15 Tea
11.45 Groups
1.00 Lunch
2.30 Optional Question and Answer session with Dhammarati, Saddhaloka and Lokeshvara on the Buddhist Centre Online space 'Stories from the Past and Present (Looking to the Future)’ exploring the culture we want to promote in the light of Bhante's letter and the response from the College.
4.30 Order metta led by Yashodeva
6.00 Supper
7.45 Kalyana Mitra Yoga and Puja led by Saddhaloka

7.00 a.m. meditation
8.00 a.m meditation
8.45 Breakfast
10.15 Talk by Saccanama
11.15 Tea
11.45 Groups
1.00 Lunch
1.30 Clear Up
2.30 The end

For: Dharmacharis

Start date: 3rd Feb 2017
End date: 5th Feb 2017
Event Type: Residential

Price: Waged/Supported £70  |  Unwaged/Unsupported £50
No deposit

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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English (UK)