Rewilding Adhisthana

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) recently released a video showcasing the restoration efforts underway in Herefordshire. Much of the footage was filmed right here at Adhisthana in 2022. In the video Sanghadeva, our very own Buddhist ‘monk’, shares insights in a brief interview on the enchanting beauty of wildflower meadows and their harmonious connection to living the dharma life.

Meadows have always symbolized biodiversity and natural balance. Serving as vital habitats for numerous plant and animal species, these wildflower meadows also contribute to improving soil quality. Sadly, modern agricultural practices and urbanization have caused the decline of meadows, putting their existence and the diverse ecosystems they support at risk.

During the filming of this video, we hosted a ‘bee day’ that drew a large number of people from Herefordshire Meadows. Together, we documented the wide array of species found in the bottom field. The new meadow in the top field is still getting established, and therefore isn’t yet as diverse in the range of species it is home to. There is also an interview with Kath in the video, the local shepherdess who frequently grazes her sheep on Adhisthana land.

We invite you to watch the video and look forward to you visiting in the spring or summer, where you can witness the meadows in their full glory firsthand.
