The Triratna Community is based upon Sangharakshita’s particular presentation of the Dharma, faithful to the Buddha’s own teachings and honouring the best in all schools. And this is not a simple or static thing, it is evolving as times change and as experience grows.
Since Triratna was founded in 1967, it has grown to include centres in West and East Europe, India, North America, Latin America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. As well as individuals, organisations and charities have also blossomed within our international sangha. Below you can find descriptions and links to some of these.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio is the home of the Triratna online audio and text archives. Committed to making quality Dharma talks freely available to all, it hosts over 5,000 talks by over 200 speakers from many countries around the world – including the whole archive of talks by Sangharakshita. You can browse your favourite Dharma teachers’ talks, look at all the latest talks on meditation, or search for a particular topic in the transcripts or seminar materials stored in the archives.

Future Dharma Fund
FutureDharma Fund is a charity that was set up to provide an international platform for generosity within Triratna. It aims to create a flow of energy and resources throughout Triratna, and provides a simple, centralised way to support existing Triratna projects around the world and make new ones possible.

India Dhamma Trust
The India Dhamma Trust was established to help fund the Ordination Team in India. This team provides conditions that support thousands of people who are eager to learn about Buddhism, to practice and share their experiences with others. The India Dhamma Trust supports real change, both social and personal, and offers people a vision for a new life with purpose, dignity and confidence, free from caste oppression.

The Buddhist Centre Online and Dharmachakra
The Buddhist Centre Online was launched in 2013 and is the home of the Triratna Buddhist Community online, and Dharmachakra is the team behind this project. The internet is such a big part of many of our lives now, and Dharmachakra aims to open possibilities for using it without compromising Buddhist ethical values or getting caught up in distraction.
The Dharma Toolkit, which came out of the increased need for online Dharma content during the pandemic, includes daily communal meditation and live Dharma classes and events, all on a global scale.

The Abhayaratna Trust
The Abhayaratna Trust is actively pursuing ways to strengthen a culture of care in the Order that will benefit not just existing Order members, but those who join the Order in the future. It was established in 2008 to relieve financial hardship among members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Karuna Trust
Karuna, a charity inspired by Buddhist values, has been working with Dalit and Tribal communities in India and Nepal for 40 years.
The caste system is an ancient form of discrimination that denies people their basic rights and keeps millions trapped in conditions of modern-day slavery solely on the basis of birth. Those most affected are known as Dalits, literally meaning “broken people”.
The charity carries out a form of door-to-door fundraising based on the non-violent principles of Buddhism in the UK, and funds grassroots projects across India and Nepal.
Buddhist Centres and Groups
You can see many of the places where there are Triratna Centres and Groups on this map. This is not exhaustive however – if you know of a group or centre that you would like to see on here, please let us know.