तरुण लोक
In an rapidly changing world the need for self-aware, compassionate, and purpose-driven individuals has never been greater. Intensive practices, rooted in relatable teachings, take place in a dynamic and welcoming environment to support deep transformation. Young person’s events at Adhisthana include large weekend gatherings, intimate study retreats, and silent meditation retreats.
Hundreds of people in their teens, twenties and early thirties have come to Adhisthana for retreats since 2013. Through our annual DharmaLife courses and with opportunities to live and work here, Adhisthana provides full-time contexts for young Buddhists to live a full Dharma life.
You can use this page to find your local young Buddhist group, discover events at Adhisthana, listen to talks from young order members and more.
Get in touch with us to ask about young people’s events at Adhisthana, or for general young Buddhist project enquiries contact the young order steering group.
Young People Events at Adhisthana

Young People Groups and Retreats Elsewhere
Many local Buddhist centres run groups for young people and a number of retreat centres across the world offer special retreats.
You can keep up to date with the Young People project and find out about upcoming events via the dedicated blog on the Buddhist Centre Online.
निवासी अभ्यासक्रम
Adhisthana has had the delight of hosting DharmaLife courses since 2013.
These are usually four-month residential courses providing a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism. They are aimed at mitras and those training for ordination, usually under the age of 35 and bringing together the international sangha; approximately half of course participants come from outside the UK.

Watch & Listen
These days there is so much information about meditation and Buddhism available online that it can be hard to know where to begin. Here’s a few suggestions to get you started:
For many years Adhisthana has hosted an annual changemakers (formerly ‘Young Facilitators’) weekend for people who help run events for young people at their local Triratna Centre. In addition to these in-person weekends, there are now gatherings and training events taking place online.
If you’re a young facilitator (or thinking about setting something up at your local centre) you can email us to be added to our mailing list, or you can ask to join our online space.