
A Retreat of Conquerers

Adhisthana has been delighted to be hosting small self-led retreats over the course of the last year. There have been a few camping weekends, but as the temperatures have now dropped, it’s also lovely having friends come together here and use indoor spaces, alongside our programme of other events and retreats. The three ‘jits’ came […]

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Making the Invisible World Visible

Making the Invisible World Visible by Sanghadeva The first serious gardening I undertook was at Aryatara community (the first, then, ‘FWBO’ residential community, founded in 1967) in the early 1980’s. I remember the deep satisfaction of arranging a group of plants and not quite understanding why that sense of satisfaction was quite so strong.  I was sort

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Building a Shrine to Padmasambhava

Building a Shrine to Padmasambhava By Sthanashraddha I was fortunate enough to recently attend the retreat led by Padmavajra on the life and liberation of Padmasambhava.  I’ve spent many retreats with Padmavajra over the years and on many of them I’ve been the shrine keeper. Over those years I’ve been able to craft my skills

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Visiting Adhisthana

Visiting Adhisthana By Philippa Ghosh I came to Adhisthana as a guest this week, to flee the wet and rainy, impending winter of Glasgow, but also to catch up with my friend Ksantikara and the rest of the community who live on this beautiful landscape. During my time here there has been an Order retreat

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Opening Urgyen House

Opening Urgyen House During the recent August Area Order Weekend, Urgyen House was opened to visitors with a moving dedication led by Saddhanandhi. Two new Order Members, Āryaniśa and Vilāsamuni, cut the ribbon to open the house officially. This was Urgyen Sangharakshita’s home for 5 years, and his bedroom and living room have been left

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Adhisthana – First Impressions

by Ratnaghosha I moved into the men’s community at Adhisthana on July 15th, which happened to be Saddhanandi’s birthday – an auspicious day for sure! Lizzie’s birthday was the next day. So one of my first introductions to Adhisthana was the celebration of birthdays when everyone rejoices in the person whose birthday it is. I

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Satyalila’s Notes on the Retreat on the Sutra of Hui Neng

‘This retreat has been a long time coming,’ was one of the reflections shared on our first morning together.  Fifteen of us had gathered to begin a week of study, meditation, discussion, ritual, and pariyaya (hearing the sutra – and its companion, the Diamond Sutra – read aloud). Although the Sutra of Hui Neng is one of two foundational

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A Vision of Beauty

A Vision of Beauty Over the last two weeks, half the main field at Adhisthana has been mown, ploughed, and sown with seeds. The seed was harvested earlier in the year from the wildflower meadow in the swales field (which includes Yellow rattle), and the men’s Dharma Life course spent a work period tracking back

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Open again to Residential Retreats

At last, we are pleased to say that we have re-opened for residential retreats. First, a large women’s ordination training retreat, led by the team from Tiratanaloka, and now the Men’s Private Preceptors. Both retreats have been making the most of the gorgeous warm weather, with many eating and having groups outside. The Preceptors retreat

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For Sangharakshita, semi-precious stones were like glimpses into another more colourful world, a more brilliant and beautiful world. Throughout his life he was drawn to them. You can see this thread of interest when reading his correspondence – he looked out for museums where he could see them, fascinated as he was by their colours,

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