Spanish Speaking Americas | International Sanghas Retreat | Triratna Day Weekend

Led by Saddhanandi, Dhammarati, Khemabandhu + the Adhisthana Communities

We have added this option for those who wish to participate but are unable to travel to the UK to attend the Spanish speaking group in person.

As with all our retreats, there is a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit.

If you book onto the event within 24 hours of it starting, please email to ensure you get the joining information.

For: Anyone who has learnt Triratna meditation

Start date: 28th Mar 2024
End date: 1st Apr 2024
कार्यक्रमाचा प्रकार: ऑनलाइन

किंमत: Standard £125  |  Concession £85  |  Financial Assistance £55
Please note that the payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £50.

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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