Symposium on Non-Self: Buddhism + Philosophy

Led by Dhivan + Silavadin

This event is by invitation, but if you are interested in attending you can contact the Adhisthana office at

What is Non-Self? The doctrine of Non-Self has been a distinguishing mark of Buddhist philosophy from the very beginning, and has had many different articulations through history. In contemporary philosophy of mind it is also a hotly debated topic. As Buddhists it is helpful to be aware of the view you hold, as it has an impact on your practice.

In this symposium we want to do two related things. Firstly to look at the most important views on the Non-Self from the perspective of both ancient Indian philosophy and modern philosophy of the mind. How do they hang together, and what are the merits and pitfalls of each? And secondly we want to explore the views that are expressed in Sangharakshita’s works, for example in Wisdom Beyond Words and Know Your Mind, and how they resemble, or do not, these established views.

We want to come together with Order Members and Mitras who have studied, or have a connection with, philosophy, and share ideas and inspiration, giving talks and having discussions, circling around the topic in a loose and creative way, as philosophy was meant to be.

For: Order Members and Mitras

Start date: 19th Jan 2018
End date: 21st Jan 2018
कार्यक्रमाचा प्रकार: निवासी

किंमत: Waged/Supported £74  |  Unwaged/Unsupported £52
No deposit

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Bookings are closed for this Event.

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