14 – 21 Nov | led by Viveka, Parami + Dhammarati
We can access Padmasambhava’s wisdom through his profound advice. Sangharakshita explored this in the seminar on the Advice to the Three Fortunate Women chapter of The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava.
He says ‘we’ve had the preliminaries… then in a very natural, non forcing sort of way turning the mind towards or opening the mind to, the experience of sunyata as the basis of one’s higher spiritual insight.’
On the retreat we’ll focus particularly on Padmasambhava’s instructions about meditation and insight.

Viveka is based at the San Francisco Buddhist Center where she was chair for 16 years. She is a highly trained facilitator and teaches internationally. A co-founder of Triratna’s Total Immersion longer meditation retreats, she is also trained as a somatic coach. Currently, Viveka is President of the New York and Mexico City Triratna Buddhist Centers.

Ordained into the Order when the women’s wing was still very small, Parami has been a prominent part of the women’s wing ever since. A public preceptors for many years, she is now enjoying living in Glasgow and engaging with the local centre and politics there.

Ordained for almost 50 years, Dhammarati grew up in Scotland and is trained as a graphic designer. He became Chair of the London Buddhist Centre in 1986, was Chair of the College of Public Preceptors for ten years and during that time helped to set up Triratna’s International Council.