30 May – 6 june | led by Maitreyi + Paramartha
Milarepa’s relationship with his heart-son Rechungpa is emblematic of a profound spiritual connection and ‘Rechungpa’s Journey to Weu’ reveals the all too human nature of the disciple meeting the wisdom and compassion of his patient teacher. Maitreyi and Paramartha will unfold a story told with humour, irony and pathos, drawing on themes recognisable to anyone who has ever seriously tried to live a spiritual life.

Maitreyi was ordained in 1989, the first year that women were ordained by women in the West. In 1997 she joined the team at Tiratanaloka leading retreats training women for ordination. Since then she has become both a Private and Public Preceptor and is also the president of Akashavana, the women’s ordination retreat centre.

One of Sangharakshita’s closest friends, Paramatha lived with him for many years, including during Bhante’s time at Adhisthana. He now lives close by, and brings his wealth of knowledge and personal connection to the Teaching Community, handing on a part of Sangharakshita’s legacy that few others could do.
Seminar Retreats offer an intimate setting to look in-depth at Bhante’s exposition of key texts, bring us closer to the mind behind the teaching, and understand their relevance to our lives and practice. Places are very limited so book early.
Reception is from 4pm on the day of arrival, with the retreat beginning with supper at 6pm.
While you’re here you will be participating in communal life. This includes meditating with everyone on site in the main shrine room in the morning, taking part in daily tasks and at the end of your retreat you will help us to prepare the retreat centre for the next group to join us.
With this in mind, the retreat will finish after the clear-up, so if traveling on public transport, please book a train after 11am.
For: धर्मचारी चमु
Start date: 30th May 2025
End date: 6th Jun 2025
कार्यक्रमाचा प्रकार: निवासी
किंमत: Standard £330 | Concession £265 | Financial Assistance £210
Please note that the payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £70.
Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page