International Summer Sanghas Retreat | Bhante 100 | Padmasambhava: The Precious Master

24 – 31 August | led by subhuti + team

It’s not enough to appeal just to the rational mind. One must appeal also to the unconscious depths. It’s not enough just to read books on Buddhism, not enough just to listen to lectures. One must also meditate, one must plumb the depths within oneself. One must chant… one must perform pujas, engage in symbolical ritual. It’s not enough just to think… but one must feel. One must respond totally with one’s whole being. Only when we can do this, only when a sufficient number of people can do this shall we have a real Buddhist spiritual movement… a true spiritual tradition.


Padmasambhava made the journey from India, the land of Urgyen, to help establish the Dharma in the particular, hostile cultural conditions of Tibet. A millennium later Urgyen Sangharakshita, impressed with that same stream of spiritual energy, made the journey from India to the West to help establish the Dharma in the modern world and in doing so gifted us a ‘true spiritual tradition’.

Out of gratitude, and instilled with inspiration to let the light burn bright for others, let’s gather a momentous number of people to meditate, chant, perform puja and engage in symbolic ritual on a mountainous scale. Let us appeal to the unconscious depths.

The power of hundreds of devoted practitioners performing feats of ritual, collectively calling on the adhisthana of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, will be unleashed on the cosmos. And then we’ll sit silently, waiting to hear, see and feel the response.

If you’re involved in a Triratna Sangha and want to bring your sangha along in 2025, then get in touch. Participating sanghas include Tokyo, Amsterdam, York, a contingent from Scotland, Frome, Nottingham, West London, and French and Spanish-speaking groups.

Read more about our Combined Sanghas Retreats.


Please note, this is primarily a camping event. Unless you are travelling from outside the UK, or are physically unable to camp, please don’t book the indoor accommodation option.
