BY VAJRATARA, Public Preceptor and Tiratanaloka Team
For me Adhisthana is and always was about Bhante. At the heart of the retreat centre, the library and the communities, is Bhante’s vision and translation of the Dharma. That gives everything I do there a particular edge, a radical edge going back to what is truly important about Buddhist practice. Adhisthana offers more than retreats, it offers a vision.
It has been my delight to practise with others at Adhisthana right from the level of young people new to the Dharma to the College of Public Preceptors. Adhisthana can hold them all, and it does, frequently. Even if we aren’t attending the same event, we feel part of each other’s Dharma world. The stream of practice at the College meeting flows into the stream of practice in each of the communities, flows into young people’s events and ordination training retreats, all the various meetings and gatherings, retreats and workshops that happen here. We see the Dharma life in a broad context, a great river flowing. We all take our part in that flow in different ways, at different times.

This blog is an excerpt from the Tenth Anniversary book which can be viewed online or bought from Adhisthana.