The Second Death Anniversary of Sangharakshita

Sangharakshita died on 30th October 2018. Until his body was returned to be buried at Adhisthana, a vigil was held around the clock, with at least one member of the residential community here always meditating in the shrine room. Every evening Sthanashraddha, Sangharakshita’s last secretary, would ritually place a beautiful china cup of tea on the shrine, in honour of the tea he would make each day for Bhante.

To mark his passing this year, the Adhisthana Community hosted an all-day event online. As well as inviting those internationally to participate and attend the sessions, the local sangha were invited to come and circumambulate around Sangharakshita’s burial mound during the day, as well as attend talks given in the library. You can view the sessions for this day below.

Beginning the commemoratory day for Urgyen Sangharakshita, two years after his death. This first session is a meditation from the Adhisthana Shrine Room with the Adhisthana Community.

Hosted by Saddhanandi, the second session is comprised of several videos about Sangharakshita and circumambulation of his burial mound with the Adhisthana community

A series of short talks about Sangharakshita, hosted by Saddhaloka and given from the Adhisthana Library, where all of Sangharakshita’s books are housed.

The final session of the day – a puja in honour of Urgyen Sangharakshita, with the five mantras that were chanted after his death. Performed by the Adhisthana Community and led by Sanghadeva.
