Applying to live and work at Adhisthana

It’s great that you’re interested in joining us at Adhiṣṭhāna!  It means a lot to us that you want to give your time and energy to this special project.

If you’re not familiar with Adhiṣṭhāna and what we do, have a look around our website and chat to Order Member friends in your local area. You could ask them what it might be like living and working in a full time Dharma context. We usually only invite mitras who have asked for ordination and Order Members to live here as the nature of their engagement with Triratna best matches what we do here at Adhiṣṭhāna.

The next step is for us to get to know you, and you us (if we don’t know each other already!). Usually, the best way to do this is to come and volunteer with us for a few days. Another is for you to come on retreat here (check out the programme) and ask to meet up with one of the team while you’re here.

Do write to us, and tell us a bit about yourself, your experience at your local centre and why you’re interested in living and working at Adhiṣṭhāna. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
