Gente Joven

In an rapidly changing world the need for self-aware, compassionate, and purpose-driven individuals has never been greater. Intensive practices, rooted in relatable teachings, take place in a dynamic and welcoming environment to support deep transformation. Young person’s events at Adhisthana include large weekend gatherings, intimate study retreats, and silent meditation retreats.

Cientos de adolescentes, veinteañeros y treintañeros han asistido a retiros en Adhisthana desde 2013. A través de nuestros cursos anuales Dharma Life y con oportunidades para vivir y trabajar aquí, Adhisthana ofrece contextos a tiempo completo para que los jóvenes budistas vivan una vida Dharma plena.

Puedes usar esta página para encontrar tu grupo local de jóvenes budistas, enterarte de los eventos en Adhisthana, escuchar charlas de jóvenes miembros de la orden y mucho más.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros with us to ask about young people’s events at Adhisthana, or for general young Buddhist project enquiries contact the young order steering group.

Eventos para Jóvenes en Adhisthana

DharmaLife Course for Young Women

DharmaLife Course for Young Women

Un curso residencial de cuatro meses
16 March – 4 July 2025
Residencial | Abierto a los menores de 35 años
Applications closed
Sub30 Weekend | The Greater Mandala of Aesthetic Appreciation

Sub30 Weekend | The Greater Mandala of Aesthetic Appreciation

Led by Dhibhajana + Amaladasa
28 – 30 Mar | 2 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Seminar | The Goal

Sub30 Seminar | The Goal

Led by Jnanadhara + Maitriyogini
30 Mar – 2 Apr | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
DharmaLife Course for Young Men

DharmaLife Course for Young Men

Un curso residencial de cuatro meses
31 August – 19 December 2025
Residencial | Abierto a los menores de 35 años
Sub30 Meditation Intensive | Mindfulness and Insight

Sub30 Meditation Intensive | Mindfulness and Insight

Led by Dhivan + Saddhanandi
3 – 12 Oct | 9 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Weekend | An Inconceivable Freedom

Sub30 Weekend | An Inconceivable Freedom

Led by Amalasri + Prakashamitra
27 – 30 Nov | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists
Sub30 Seminar | Stainless Glory

Sub30 Seminar | Stainless Glory

Led by Vajratara + team
30 Nov – 3 Dec | 3 nights
Residential | Young Buddhists

Young People Groups and Retreats Elsewhere

Muchos centros budistas locales organizan grupos para jóvenes y varios centros de retiro de todo el mundo ofrecen retiros especiales.

You can keep up to date with the Young People project and find out about upcoming events via the dedicated blog on the Buddhist Centre Online.

Cursos residenciales

Adhisthana has had the delight of hosting DharmaLife courses since 2013.

These are usually four-month residential courses providing a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of Triratna Buddhism. They are aimed at mitras and those training for ordination, usually under the age of 35 and bringing together the international sangha; approximately half of course participants come from outside the UK.

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Ver y Escuchar

Hoy en día hay tanta información sobre la meditación y el budismo disponible en Internet que puede ser difícil saber por dónde empezar. Aquí tienes algunas sugerencias para empezar:


For many years Adhisthana has hosted an annual changemakers (formerly ‘Young Facilitators’) weekend for people who help run events for young people at their local Triratna Centre. In addition to these in-person weekends, there are now gatherings and training events taking place online.

Si eres un joven facilitador (o estás pensando en crear algo en tu centro local) puedes email us to be added to our mailing list, or you can solicita unirte a nuestro espacio online.
