Volunteer Visits
Many people who visit Adhisthana have a strong impulse to give their time and energy to the project. Adhisthana thrives on volunteers, and we want to give opportunities to as many people as possible. Having volunteers is a great opportunity for people to become part of the wider Adhisthana network, and develop relationships with the place, the community and Bhante.
We’re particularly interested in skills in any of the categories below: Building, Gardening, Plumbing, Electrics, Cooking, Cleaning, Painting and Decorating, Audio/Video Editing, Graphic design, Tech, Admin
If would like to find out more please email. Unfortunately, due to immigration law, we can only accept volunteers without an existing right to work here (inc UK & Ireland citizens) for up to one month.
If you would like to explore living and working here, check out our available roles aqui.
Adhisthana came alive to me in a more personal way through volunteering. Joining with the community over those few days gave me a hearty appreciation for everything that goes in to the life of Adhisthana, and I so enjoyed putting all of myself into physical work, showing my gratitude in giving something back (with buckets of earth!)
Edward Lawrence, Sheffield
Volunteer Retreats
Keep an eye out for upcoming work retreats, where you can come together with other volunteers and the Operations Team, to participate in the collective project of beautifying Adhisthana.
When I first attended for a retreat at Adhisthana I was drawn to being part of and helping to maintain the inner and outer beauty I could see was being created there. Volunteering has given me the opportunity to do just that. Working in the gardens, cleaning or doing the laundry always puts me in touch with a deep gratitude for my teachers and all who make this movement and order a reality.
Annette Schlaudraff, Swansea
Volunteer Remotely
Some of the work we do can be done remotely, so you can help and contribute to the Adhisthana Project from the comfort of your own home.
Let us know if you would be up for helping out with any of the following:
- Zoom Tech Support
- Audio Editing
- Video Editing
- Website Design/Page Building (WordPress)
- Website Development (PHP, CSS, HTML)
- Mobile App Development
If you’re interested, get in touch.