Dharma a la carta

Estamos desarrollando una colección cada vez mayor de grabaciones de audio y vídeo de Dharma de calidad de los retiros y eventos residenciales y en línea que tienen lugar aquí. Queremos que sean accesibles y estén disponibles de forma gratuita para todo el mundo. Estamos añadiendo constantemente nuevos contenidos, así que consúltalos con regularidad. Si hay algún contenido de un evento en particular que te gustaría que pusiéramos a disposición, háznoslo saber.

Retiros grabados

Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

Friendship: Duty, Delight and Freedom

Adhisthana Dharma Team
May 2021
Exploring the development of spiritual friendship
Individuality: Self-contained and Boundless

Individuality: Self-contained and Boundless

Ratnaguna + Saddhanandi
February 2021 | Online
Seven Point Mind Training Part 1

Seven Point Mind Training Part 1

January 2021
Online | Order
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Order Only Retreats

ACCESS: When logged in with your Order login to the Buddhist Centre Online, visit Adhisthana‘s page and find the relevant post. Then enter the relevant password for the retreat you wish to access.

Protegido: Sadhana Convention

Protegido: Sadhana Convention

No hay extracto porque es una entrada protegida.
Protegido: Unfolding Paths to Insight: The Six Element Practice

Protegido: Unfolding Paths to Insight: The Six Element Practice

No hay extracto porque es una entrada protegida.
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Charlas sobre el Dharma

The Guru’s Advice

The Guru’s Advice

Ratnaghosha, Saddhanandi and Dhammarati
August 2021
A series of talks on the teaching of Padmasambhava
A Taste of Freedom

A Taste of Freedom

Sub30s Online Retreat
March 2021
Talks on the first three fetters
Eros and Beauty

Eros and Beauty

Padmavajra + Subhuti
November 2014
The second set of talks in this popular series
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The Nature of Mind

Introduction to the metta bhavana meditation

Introduction to the mindfullness of breathing meditation

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