The Blazing Heart

‘Loving kindness which is freedom of heart… it glows, it shines, it blazes forth.’

This retreat is celebrating kindness, love and bodhicitta – central qualities to the Buddhist path and central qualities to Bhante’s teaching.

Taking the Karaniya Metta Sutta as the foundational text, there are talks from different team members each day, ritual and devotion, meditation and groups. The retreat also includes an exploration of the Bodhisattva path in relation to early Buddhism. 

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Day 1

welcome and dedication

Welcoming everyone and performing the dedication ceremony to ritually start the retreat.

Day 2

introducing the text

We hear the Karaniya Metta Sutta chanted in Pali, Dhivan offers a talk on the background and spirit of the text, and Paramartha leads a two stage Metta practice.

bodhicitta practice

Following discussion groups, Saddhaloka leads a session of the Bodhicitta Practice.

sutta chanting and puja

Dhivan begins teaching the chanting of the Karaniya Metta Sutta in Pali, followed by a meditation and threefold puja.
[Apologies for the missing first section of this recording. Future evening sessions will recap the sutta chanting.]

Day 3

The First Few Verses

We hear the Karaniya Metta Sutta chanted in Pali, Dhammarati leads a meditation with readings from the sutta, then gives a presentation on the introductory verses. Dhivan leads a Metta Bhavana based on the qualities mentioned in the verses.

Bodhicitta Practice

Vidyamala leads a session of the Bodhicitta practice.

sutta chanting and puja

Another lesson with Dhivan chanting the sutta, followed by a meditation and threefold puja.

Day 4

Sutta Chanting and Meditation

We hear the sutta chanted in Pali, then we have two meditation sessions with light leading from Saddhaloka.

Bodhicitta Practice

Dhammarati gives a short talk making connections between the Bodhicitta practice and other practices, then leads a session of the Bodhicitta practice.

sutta chanting and Meditation

Another lesson with Dhivan chanting the sutta, followed by meditation and mantra chanting. [Apologies for the missing first section of this recording. Future evening sessions will recap the sutta chanting. A complete recording will be uploaded in future]

Day 5

Further Verses from the Sutta

Starting the session with listening to the Karaniya Metta Sutta. Vidyamala then talks about the different aspects of a mother’s love, Metta for the whole world and sustaining this practice in all 4 postures and all activities. This session ends with a led meditation of the Metta bhavana in 3 stages.

Bodhicitta Practice

Paramartha introduces and then leads the Bodhicitta practice speaking of some experiences of Bhante’s intense connection with metta.

Devotional readings and chanting

Dhivan leads a full chanting of the Karaniya Metta Sutta and then a series of devotional readings and the Amitabha mantra.

Day 6

The Final Verse

After listening to the Karaniya Metta Sutta, Saddhaloka talks on the final verse from the sutta. Looking at how insight and wisdom must engage the heart and not just the head. Telling stories of the Thai Forrest Monks and Atisha to illustrate the importance of metta. Finishing off the session with a lead through of the Metta bhavana.

Bodhicitta Practice

Dhammarati leads the Bodhicitta practice beginning with an introduction that relates the practice to key elements of Saddhaloka’s talk.

Sutta Chanting and threefold puja

Once again Dhivan leads through a full chanting of the Karaniya Metta Sutta followed by a threefold puja with Paramartha.

Day 7

walking and sitting meditation

Starting off with hearing the sutra, Dhivan then leads a practice session of sitting and walking meditation.

Bodhicitta Practice

Paramartha leads the final Bodhicitta practice of the retreat highlighting how we need not to separate the path from the goal.

Seven Fold Puja

Vidyamala leads a seven fold puja, with sutta chanting, a and reading about the great love from Vimalakirti Nirdesha.
