Sub 30 Seminar: Looking again at friendship (Online)
Led by Maitreyabandhu and Ksantikara
Anyone aged 30 or under is welcome.
To change the world we need to actively create a new one. If we want to make the world a better place the best way to start is by looking at our friendships. But do our actions really matter? Can we really affect the world around us? And should we be trying to change the world anyway?
Join other people aged 30 and under as we explore the Culagosinga sutra with Maitreyabandhu. Maitreyabandhu first went along to the London Buddhist Centre in his second year of art school, aged 25. He was ordained in 1990 and has lived and worked at the LBC for over thirty years. Maitreyabandhu is an exceptional and passionate teacher, known for his accessible, direct and honest wisdom.
To practice Buddhism we need to know the Buddha’s teaching (Dharma), in order to understand the Dharma we need to study it. The idea of ‘study’ might make you yawn or maybe conjures an idea of just engaging your rational intellect rather than your whole being. Really though Dharma study is an essential and time-honoured spiritual practice that cultivates inspiration, develops wisdom, creates community and gives us a context in which we can work on our habitual ways of being.
Local and International Times
9am – 12pm UK & Ireland (Greenwich Mean Time)
10am – 1pm Mainland Europe (Central European Time)
8pm – 11pm Sydney/Melbourne (Australian Capital Time)
9am GMT/10am CET/8pm ACT: Introductions
9.20am GMT/10.15am CET/ 8.15pmACT: Presentation 1, Discussion group & Q&A
10.30am GMT/11.30 CET/9.30pm ACT: Tea Break
10.45am GMT/ 11.45am CET/9.45pmACT: Presentation 2, Discussion group & Q&A
12pm GMT/1pm CET/11pm ACT: End
Please note: For our online retreats we send out the Zoom link and information for the retreat 24 hours before the retreat starts. This means you will not receive the information from us until 12/02/21
For: all levels of experience
Start date: 13th Feb 2021
End date: 13th Feb 2021
Event Type: Residential
Please note that the payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £5.
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