The Big One - annual sub35 retreat: Blueprint for a New Society

Led by Core team of Young Order Steering group

"…while still young, a black-haired young person endowed with the blessings of youth, in the prime of life, I shaved off my hair and beard, put on the yellow robe, and went forth from the home life into homelessness.”
Majjhima Nikaya, 36

In these retreats at Adhisthana we follow in the archetypal footsteps of the Buddha, leaving behind the world of technology, busyness, and the demands of modern life, and entering into a different way of being with other young people. Our retreats combine meditation and silence, discussion and friendship, inspiring collective rituals and time for solitude. Whether you’re new to Buddhism and meditation or have been practising for some time there is an event for you.

What the Buddha discovered as a youth all those years ago is still alive in the connections between young people practising the Dharma today. Come and discover it for yourself!

At this event we'll be particularly exploring how Buddhist teachings can shape a world that desperately needs to change

The retreat will start with dinner at 18:00 and you are welcome to arrive on site after 16:00, it will end at 14:30 on the last day.

A retreat for those aged between 18 and 35 years old.

For: all levels of experience

Start date: 25th Oct 2019
End date: 27th Oct 2019
Event Type: Residential

Price: Waged/Supported £74  |  Unwaged/Unsupported £52
Please note that the payment includes a non-refundable and non-transferrable deposit of £52.

Bursary Fund: Help those who can't afford to come on retreat
You're invited to donate to enable individuals experiencing financial hardship to attend events with bursary places.
Go to our Bursary Fund page

Bookings are closed for this Event.

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