27 June – 4 July | led by Dhammarati + SAddhanandi
In a spiritual sense bondage is subjection to oneself. True freedom, therefore, consists in freedom from oneself.
An immersion into the full architecture of a Dharma life – a human life, in fact. The text unfolds through the triad of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, with teachings that can momentarily lift the veils. Exploring the overall approach, with a particular emphasis on the Dharma section, we will weave together meditation, discussion and ritual readings to bring us more deeply into Bhante’s perspective and presentation of the Dharma.

Ordained for almost 50 years, Dhammarati came in contact with Triranta through the Glasgow centre. He moved to London in 1980, trained as a graphic designer. HIs work can be found on books and publicity throughout Triratna. He has been Chair of the London Buddhist Centre and of the College of Public Preceptors, during which time he helped set up Triratna’s International Council.

Trained as an artist, Saddhanandi initially was involved in the Glasgow Sangha. She was at Taraloka for 20 years, and was Chair there for the last 13 of those years, before moving to Adhisthana and becoming Chair. In late 2021 she handed on this responsibility to Khemabandhu, but continues to live and work here as a member of the Dharma Team.