
High-speed internet!

If you have ever visited Adhisthana and tried to check your email one last time before turning your phone off, you will have realised that our internet is variable at best. Of course, when attending a retreat this is no problem, but for those who come here for meetings, or if you live and work […]

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2021 Women’s Dharma Life Course

In early 2019, I did a Dharma Life Course with 8 others. We came together for five months from Venezuela, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Turkey and the UK, and together built a temporary community, the strength of which forged lasting international friendships. Throughout the pandemic we have come together online to catch up, check in, dance,

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Moving Retreats Online

Like everywhere else, in March 2020 Adhisthana was faced with having to radically change it’s approach to running events as we entered into a new reality of life during a pandemic. Learning Curve Moving to running retreats online was a big shift – our usual way of operating and running retreats was mostly redundant, but

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New Adhisthana Website

Throughout the lockdowns of the last year, members of the Adhisthana operations team have been busy building a new website. The need for a new website had long been acknowledged, but remained on the to-do list. That is until, forced to close, there was more capacity to undertake this significant project. Saddhanandi had a vision

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Retreating Online as a Community

Welcoming in the New Year, the Adhisthana Community, led by Saddhaloka, hosted a weekend retreat entitled – Building a Heaven in Hell’s Despair. The topic was drawn from the Vimalakirti Nirdesa talks, given by Sangharakshita in 1979. These talks opened up a world of inspiration, profound mystery, lightness, laughter, and endless possibility. It is here

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Yashodeva’s Art

In art school when he came across the Dharma, Yashodeva has been making art ever since. You can see his watercolours around the Adhisthana site, such as in the corridors and bedrooms of the accommodation blocks. He usually paints with watercolour, but at the start of 2021 undertook to do a drawing every day on

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Community Days

In January, the Adhisthana Community traditionally have community days. These are an opportunity to come together and spend some time building and strengthening the network of friendships that is the Adhisthana residential Sangha. Despite the lockdowns of 2020 meaning there was more opportunity for the communities to spend time together, we came together for five

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New Community Members!

The Adhisthana Community are delighted to be expanding to include two new beings. Ksantikara and Patrick spent 10 days in quarantine in one of the accomodation blocks before moving into the men’s community. Ksantikara moves to Adhisthana having just taken over the role of European Young Person’s Co-ordinator from Prajnaketu. He leaves from Sukavati, one

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International Sangha Day

For the first international online Sangha Day: the Festival of light, the Buddhist Centre organised a round-the-clock programme for Triratna worldwide. Adhisthana community participated by hosting a session from within various points of the Adhisthana mandala. We began with stories of Bhante and quotes from him about the founding of the Order from Bhante’s sitting

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