January to March

At the start of the year the communities came together for our twice-yearly at home days, with study focusing on how to build community with harmony and co-operation. These days together are always a pleasure, and the atmosphere was particularly warm – both communities feel strong and harmonious. The lovely Renate also joined the community from Norway. She was on the last DharmaLife course, is good friends with Annika, and is taking on site management and supporting the Front of House team.

At the end of January a significant contingent went off to India to participate in the Order convention and spend some time seeing various sites. Shubhavyuha, Maitriyogini, Kerianna, Vilasamuni, Khemabandhu, Lalitanaga and Yashodeva all had adventures but are now finally back home.

Sadly we waved goodbye to Aryajaya whose tenure as International Order Convenor has come to an end. She is spending a little while travelling and then will return to her native Australia. Her departure marks the last of the international responsibility holders at Adhisthana. This means everyone in the community is now working directly for Adhisthana.

Harry is also sadly leaving us – he will be spending three months in Valencia and improving his Spanish before seeing where the winds take him next. Both will be sorely missed!

Harry’s departure means that the whole team are stepping into the kitchen, so we are being treated to dishes from many members of the communities, and there is intensive training going on in the background while Annika has stepped in to being the kitchen manager.

Spring is really arriving at Adhisthana and the UK seems to be bathed in sunshine with clear blue skies at the moment. The plants are emerging out of dormancy in the beds, and already the shrines are being graced by home-grown flowers.

We’ve had a run of birthday celebrations, and many delicious puddings made while the College meeting is on. The team really enjoy serving them in this way and it’s always a pleasure to have so many individuals who have devoted themselves so fully to serving the movement here.

Sanghadeva has also realised a long-held dream of installing a hand holding a lotus in the pond behind the men’s community. Mysterious and beautiful, do come and have a look at it next time you visit.
