Ratnadharini sets out on her pilgrimage

Members of the Adhisthana communities gathered together to wave Ratnadharini off this morning as she journeys down to London. From the start of next week, she will be walking approximately 150 miles from Tooting to Adhisthana.

Sangharakshita was born in Tooting, London, in 1925 and died in 2018 after living his last five years (including the happiest of his life) at Adhisthana in Herefordshire, UK.

Ratnadharini, Chair of the College of Public Preceptors, will walk from his birthplace to his final resting place over ten days, arriving back in time for the end of Pilgrims Week.

As if that wasn’t enough walking, Ratnadharini is signed up to do the final hour of the 108 hours of continuous circumambulation around Bhante’s burial mound (although there are backup people ready to do it instead if she needs a rest!).

The pilgrimage is in aid of Tiratanaloka Unlimited; to support the women’s ordination training centre to purchase a bigger property. There is still time to sponsor Ratnadharini.

Below are some clips of Ratnadharini’s departure. Clockwise from left – Ratnadharini pays her final visit to the burial mound before going (look how small her rucksack is!), Aryajaya ready to drive Ratnadharini to the station, chanting the blessings and waving Ratnadharini off on her way.
