We are pleased to announce that we are commemorating Adhisthana’s tenth anniversary with an exhibition in the Library atrium, put together by Danasamudra, Dhammarati and Shubhavyuha, which Yashodeva and Drew have been hanging on the walls this week. The exhibition provides an insider’s view of Adhisthana’s first decade and the journey of the first ten years. Join us on a journey through our vision and myth, the search for the property, and the construction of this remarkable place.
This exhibition is not just about showcasing our accomplishments; it is also about inviting you to be a part of the Adhisthana community. Adhisthana is more than a retreat center; it seeks to be a home to the Triratna community. You can see retreats and events that are happening this year, some of which are part of our celebratory anniversary programme aqui. We invite you to come and spend time in the library, visit the exhibition and be a part of our ten-year anniversary festivities, particularly our Pilgrims week, where there will be ample opportunity to spend time in the library and visit the exhibition.