Lo último de Adhisthana

Noticias, imágenes y actualizaciones para mantenerte informado sobre la vida, los eventos y los cambios en Adhisthana.

June at Adhisthana

June at Adhisthana

The excitement was palpable in the Adhisthana communities as the report came through of Maitriyogini’s (ex-Caroline) public ordination at Akashavana in Spain this month. Her private preceptor Aryajaya returned from Spain with news of Maitriyogini’s delight in her new kesa. Also significant was a presidential visit from Subhuti, who spent time with members of the men’s and women’s communities separately and together, and stimulated lively discussion about Team-Based Right Livelihood and the value of semi-monastic life. The communities also celebrated Yashodeva’s birthday with a cake created by Saddhaloka and a warm round of rejoicings. We have many volunteers supporting us as always:…
