Lalitanaga, What Adhisthana Means to Me

BY LALITANAGA, Sweden, Dharma Life Alumnus

One night when crossing the courtyard to the community in the main building I looked up and saw a star-filled sky. I was struck by the beauty of the whole place, and not just that particular scene but also the surrounding countryside. Just before turning the handle of the front door I remember I said to myself “this must be a magical place”.

Speaking of magic, I was lucky to meet Bhante during the course and he is very much still a big part of Adhisthana to me. When we talked about the course, he added that by doing this course one also makes friendships. It seemed a trivial comment and I overlooked it at first but it turned out to be true and significant for me.

Thinking about the course, what often comes to mind are the work sessions with the communities, the teachings and the constant flux of people coming and going on retreats and events. Together with friendship that is Adhisthana to me. A busy hub where things happen when people meet.

This blog is an excerpt from the Tenth Anniversary book which can be viewed En linea or bought from Adhisthana.
