Adhisthana Teaching Community Retreat – November 2021

Our first Adhisthana Teaching Community Retreat. You can follow along with some of the content of the retreat through this page. Please don’t share this page with those outside the teaching community.

We’ll be exploring the nature of the project we’re undertaking through talks, discussions and study.

‘What we need to do is engage, and try to get others to engage, very deeply with Bhante’s own words, always seeking the mind behind the words, so that we enter into a kind of posthumous dialogue with him.’



List of Attendees: Click Here

Programme: Click Here

Subhuti’s Letter to the ATC: Click Here

Zoom Link for Online Sessions: Click Here (Meeting ID: 857 7225 7409, Passcode: 888246)

Day 1

Welcome & Introduction

Subhuti introduces the plan for the gathering and the Adhisthana Teaching Community.

Audio Link

Day 2

Briefing for Group discussion

Subhuti invites everyone to talk about their personal relationship to Bhante, his teaching and the project in groups.

Audio Link

Personal relationships to the project

A plenary in which each person shares a summary from the morning groups.

Audio: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Guru Yoga

Sona leads us in the Guru Yoga practice.

Day 3

Group studY

Breaking into 3 groups, we explored what it means to study a text from Bhante’s perspective. No recording is available.

Studying the Precepts of the Guru
Studying FWBO & Protestant Buddhism


The whole retreat discussed what they’ve learnt during the morning’s study.

Audio: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Guru Yoga

Sona led us again in the Guru Yoga practice.


Those attending online joined Saddhanandi and Dhammarati for an exploration of their personal relationship to Bhante and the project.

Day 4

group study

We’ll be breaking into different groups to explore a further 4 texts.


Plenary from the morning’s discussion.

Audio: Part 1, Part 2

ritual handover of chair

The residential and teaching communities ate dinner together and we rejoiced in Saddhanandi.

Subhuti led a ceremony in the shrine room for the handover of the role of chair from Saddhanandi to Khemabandhu.

Audio Link from the ritual

Dhammarati’s Photos

Coming up…Day 5

A Range of Discussion Topics

We’ll hear some short presentations from some of the community. As well as discussions on how to keep the community alive, succession planning, internationality…and more.

A range of presentations

Vishvapani’s Presentation

Check out

Everyone will share a bit of their experience of the retreat.

Audio: Part 1, Part 2

Guru yoga

Sona leads us in the Guru Yoga for the last time.
